The application for the Akamai 2022 Internship Program is officially open.
The Akamai Internship Program is an 8-week internship for undergraduate STEM students from Hawai‘i, either attending any University of Hawaii campus or from Hawaii and studying on the mainland.
The program offers college students an opportunity to gain summer work experience at an observatory, company, or scientific/technical facility in Hawai‘i. The program has placements for students from community colleges and four-year universities from a wide range of STEM majors. Akamai is a unique program with a long history of success. There are now 451 Akamai alumni, and more than 250 are working in STEM jobs.
The deadline to apply is February 14, 2022.
For more information about the Akamai Program or to apply, visit https://www.akamaihawaii.org/interning/.