New telescopes, radio dishes, and gravitational wave detectors are needed for next-generation science. Will the USA lead the way?
Mitsubishi's promotional video of the TMT Segment-Handling Robot
Coherent announced completion of the 100th polished TMT mirror segment.
AMOS announces its contract to design and build the TMT Tertiary Mirror Support System and Positioner Assembly.
Yuko Kakazu talks to SPIE about her entry into astronomy and inclusive future with TMT.
Author Jeff Mervis reports on science policy in the United States and around the world in an effort to explain to scientists how government works.
India contributes to the world's largest telescope by building mirror segments at a Bengaluru facility. It will revolutionise our understanding of the universe.
It’s been a quiet period for the historically high-energy debate over the future of Mauna Kea, especially the long-delayed bid to build the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) at the summit. But quiet...
For the past several years, the new TMT outreach team in Hilo has been focused on building long-term relationships with the community based on respect, trust, and mutual stewardship. That includes...
More than 100 years ago, astronomer George Ellery Hale brought our two Pasadena institutions together to build what was then the largest optical telescope in the world. The Mt. Wilson Observatory...
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