TIO staff attend the graduate student event at UCLA to explain TMT engienering and science to the next generation of scientists and engineers.
TIO staff attend the US-ELTP booth at the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers conference.
TMT and all US Extremely Large Telescope Program partners participated in the National Science Teaching Association conference in Denver in March 2024.
Once again this year, TIO was prepared for an extraordinary scientific adventure at the PUSD Science Fest, hosted at John Muir High School on Saturday 16 March 2024.
The STEAM networking Gala, organized by Pasadena City College on Friday 8 March, served as a new platform for students to gain valuable exposure to the diverse range of career paths and opportunities available within the STEM fields.
Congratulations to Journey Through the Universe for 20 stellar years!
Celebrating its 20th consecutive year on Hawaiʻi Island, the flagship Journey Through the Universe program brings the Universe to students and the community in early February 2024.
On 10 November 2023, Angelic Ebbers, TMT’s lead controls software engineer spearheaded a hands-on engineering activity at the TMT booth during the Girl Scouts of Hawai'i STEM Fest. The goal of this annual event is to inspire and encourage young women to pursue educational paths and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.
The women of TMT were honored to participate in the Society of Women Engineers SWE23 Conference held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, CA from 26 to 28 October, 2023.
On 18 July 2023, Sergio Salata, Astronomy Project Manager of Added Value Solutions (AVS) in Tenerife, visited the TMT office to tell us about the astronomy projects and other science equipment development projects the AVS company had been involved with. His short talk and discussions with project staff covered astronomy instrumentation, cooling, cryostats, opto-mechanics and other topics of relevance to TMT development.
Displaying news articles 1 - 10 of 49 in total