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Meet the TMT Team: Video Interview with Dimitri Mawet. APM Dr Ravinder Bhatia interviews Caltech Associate Professor of Astronomy Dimitri Mawet View Video Page

APM Dr Ravinder Bhatia interviews Caltech Associate Professor of Astronomy Dimitri Mawet

Here is the next of our interview series with the team of TMT. Today we meet with Dimitri Mawet, director of the Exoplanet Technology Laboratory of Caltech and lead researcher for MODHIS one of TMT first-light instrument.
The Multi-Object Diffraction-limited High-Resolution Infrared Spectrograph (MODHIS) is a high-resolution spectrograph whose main science goal will be to characterize the atmosphere of exoplanets and search for the presence of biomarkers.

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Entretien entre Dr Ravinder Bhatia, responsable adjoint du projet TMT, et Dr Dimitri Mawet, professeur d'astronomie à Caltech

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Tuck-In Time: Integrating Glass with Metal