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Dr Ravinder Bhatia, TMT Project Manager Associate, gives an outreach presentation on "Saturn's Rings and Moons" at Sierra Madre Elementary School on January 15, 2020.

TMT Outreach afternoon at Sierra Madre Elementary School

Pasadena, CA - Presenting students the long voyage of the NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, Dr Ravinder Bhatia, TMT Project Manager Associate, talked about Saturn’s exploration and gave an outreach presentation on "Saturn's Rings and Moons" at Sierra Madre Elementary School on January 15, 2020.

The 2nd  grade students were really involved and participated in demonstrations showing the satellite orbiting around the Sun before reaching Saturn. The children also danced to the landing of the probe onto Saturn's moon, Titan.

Thank you letter

Thank you letter received for TMT presentation at Sierra Madre Elementary School.


Outreach presentation on "Saturn's Rings and Moons"  given by Ravinder Bhatia at Sierra Madre Elementary School on January 15, 2020.

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