The Observatory Control System (OCS) subsystem of ESW is the central engine that provides the sequencing functionality. The Figure shows how OCS participates in the observing workflow. The Sequencing System consists of one or more Sequence Components.
Credit: TMT International Observatory
TMT Executive Software Successfully Passes First Phase of Final Design Review
Pasadena, CA – May 15, 2019 –The TMT Observatory Executive Software (ESW), which will provide the core functionality needed to enable observations of science programs for on-site and remote observers, recently passed the first phase of final design review.
Specifically, the ESW enables synchronized operation of all the TMT sub-systems thanks to its core component, the Observatory Control System (OCS). The OCS contains the master system sequencer, which enables synchronized operation of all TMT control system subsystems. The ESW also includes four other subsystems that all interface with the science operations software system: the User Interface Standards (UISTD), the High-level Control and Monitoring System (HCMS), the Visualization Tools Subsystem (VIZ), and the Acquisition Tools (ACQ).
The recent review focused on the OCS and the part of the UISTD subsystem that defines the browser-based user interface connection to observatory software components. At the end of the review day, which also included the presentation of OCS and UISTD prototypes developed during the design phase, the review board unanimously agreed that the OSW team had successfully passed the review.
Kim Gillies, TMT Lead Software Architect, acknowledged that “The team took to heart the goal of developing a useful set of core use cases, with stakeholder input, and they passed an interim review. It can be expected that use cases will continue to evolve throughout the agile build phase with further stakeholder involvement.”
It was recognized that the overall ESW architecture meets the TMT observatory requirements and the Quality Assurance plan for ESW phase 1 is covered. ESW can now continue to the construction and implementation phase of OCS and part of UISTD. A Phase 2 PDR will occur in the future, covering the remainder of the UISTD, HCMS, VIZ, and ACQ components of ESW.
The development of the ESW design is co-managed by the TMT Project Office in Pasadena, CA, and the India TMT Coordination Center (ITCC), located at the India Institute of Astronomy (IIA) in Bangalore, India. The design and development work are being carried out by the Pune-based offices of ThoughtWorks (TW) in India, a software company with an international presence across 15 countries.
“The ESW development effort continues to progress very well. The integrated Observatory Software team is collaborating really well among the ITCC, TW and Project Office people,” added Gelys Trancho, TMT Systems Engineering Acting Group Leader.