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TIO joined the National Science Teaching Association in Denver
March 27th, 2024 Education & Outreach

TMT and all US Extremely Large Telescope Program partners participated in the National Science Teaching Association conference in Denver in March 2024.

TMT Laser Guide Star Facility Proceeds to Final Design Phase
December 6th, 2023 Engineering & Technology

The TMT Laser Guide Star Facility has successfully completed its Preliminary Design Review and is advancing to the Final Design Phase. The review was held on 8–9 November 2023 at the TMT International Observatory Project Office and was conducted by a panel consisting of external and internal experts.

TMT Secondary Mirror Support System and Positioner Assembly Kick-Off Meeting
November 16th, 2023 Engineering & Technology

A kickoff meeting was recently held for the TMT Secondary Mirror Support System and Positioner Assembly (M2SSP), a critical subsystem of the TMT Observatory. Responsible for safely supporting and adjusting the rigid body motion of the secondary mirror (M2), the M2SSP encompasses all of the secondary mirror system hardware, minus the mirror itself, as well as the controls and safety systems.

US Extremely Large Telescope Program Receives $15.3 Million from the National Science Foundation
October 2nd, 2023

The United States Extremely Large Telescope Program (US-ELTP) today announced it has received $15.3 million from the National Science Foundation to support further design and development of advanced optical technologies and user services. The funding consists of one-year awards of $2.3 million to NSF’s NOIRLab managed by AURA, and $6.5 million each to the organizations building the Giant Magellan Telescope and the Thirty Meter Telescope.

TMT Monrovia Lab Visit
August 22nd, 2023 Education & Outreach

On 18 July 2023, Sergio Salata, Astronomy Project Manager of Added Value Solutions (AVS) in Tenerife, visited the TMT office to tell us about the astronomy projects and other science equipment development projects the AVS company had been involved with. His short talk and discussions with project staff covered astronomy instrumentation, cooling, cryostats, opto-mechanics and other topics of relevance to TMT development.

TMT Refrigeration Cooling System Proceeds to Preliminary Design Phase
June 6th, 2023 Engineering & Technology

The TMT Refrigeration Cooling System (REFR) will proceed to the Preliminary Design phase next year after successfully passing its Conceptual Design Review closeout meeting on May 3, 2023.

TMT Mirrors Alignment and Phasing System Progress
June 2nd, 2023 Engineering & Technology

How will TMT make its 492 primary mirror segments behave as a single mirror of 30 meter diameter? TMT’s Alignment and Phasing System (APS) team has come up with the solution that will keep all of TMT’s mirrors aligned to a high precision of about 10 nm root-mean-square (RMS).

TMT’s Telescope Structure Readies for Production
March 23rd, 2023 Engineering & Technology

TMT’s telescope structure subsystem (STR) recently completed two successful Production Readiness Reviews (PRR2 and PRR3) to assess the availability of adequate resources and planning for production, and later for assembly, integration and verification. The STR’s design and future fabrication are activities led by NAOJ and their prime contractor Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) in Japan.

National Science Foundation Begins Environmental Review Process
July 19th, 2022

The National Science Foundation (NSF) today issued a Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and to initiate Section 106 consultation for a potential NSF investment in the construction and operation of the Thirty Meter Telescope.

TMT’s Statement on Astro2020 Decadal Survey
November 4th, 2021 Astro2020 Decadal Survey

Henry Yang, Board Chair, Thirty Meter Telescope International Observatory, issued the following statement in response to today’s release of the Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s Decadal Survey:

Displaying news articles 1 - 10 of 81 in total