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Updates for TMT Telescope Structure and Utility Services
October 12th, 2022 Engineering & Technology

The teams working on TMT’s Segment Handling System (SHS) and utility system design received some good news following a series of critical review meetings earlier this spring. The TMT Telescope Structure Subsystem (STR) and Summit Facility (SUM) groups conducted the reviews and based on the outcome, the teams mays now proceed independently with...

First TMT Primary Mirror Segment Assembly Successfully Manufactured and Built in India
May 9th, 2022 Engineering & Technology

India-TMT and industry partners Larsen and Toubro (L&T) successfully manufactured and assembled the first TMT Segment Support Assembly (SSA) in L&T Coimbatore facility. Hard work paid off and India-TMT successfully passed an Assembly Readiness Review a few weeks ago, presenting their first and recently assembled TMT SSA, including all separate compliant components, which are about 450 precision parts.

TMT’s Wide-Field Optical Spectrometer Instrument Passes Conceptual Design Review
April 7th, 2022 Engineering & Technology

TMT’s Wide-Field Optical Spectrometer (WFOS), one of its three first-light instruments, successfully completed its Conceptual Design Review in February 2022. This review completed the conceptual design phase and ushered WFOS into its Preliminary Design Phase.

Update on TMT High Quality Optics Polishing at Coherent
January 19th, 2022 Engineering & Technology

The fabrication of TMT’s primary mirror segments at Coherent Inc. in California continues to progress well. To date, a total of 19 M1 polished roundels have been delivered to TMT’s secure warehouse facility for storage.

TMT’s Secondary and Tertiary Mirrors Coating Facility Passes Conceptual Design Review
October 21st, 2021 Engineering & Technology

The coating chamber that will provide the required highly reflective thin and uniform coating to both TMT’s Secondary and Tertiary Mirrors (M2 and M3, respectively) recently passed its conceptual design review. The conceptual design and scope of the Secondary and Tertiary Mirrors Coating Facility (M2M3 COAT) was executed and developed by India TMT Coordination Centre (ITCC), via contract with Hind High Vacuum (HHV) headquartered in Bengaluru,...

Production of the TMT M1 mirrors ramps up at Coherent Inc.
September 8th, 2021 Engineering & Technology

The successful production of TMT polished glass-ceramic (M1 roundels) is ramping up according to plan.

Update on TMT Primary Mirror Production in the Bay Area
June 23rd, 2021 Engineering & Technology

The production of TMT’s primary mirrors in North America is progressing very well. Several polished glass-ceramic roundels are currently in production at the Coherent manufacturing facilities; three were recently finished and shipped to the TMT storage facility in the Bay Area.

TMT Laser Guide Star Facility Passes Design Milestone
June 3rd, 2021 Engineering & Technology

The TMT Laser Guide Star Facility (LGSF) has successfully completed the first phase of its Preliminary Design Review (PDR1). The LGSF will be responsible for generating artificial laser guide stars that will be used with TMT’s Adaptive Optics (AO) systems, including NFIRAOS, the Observatory’s first-light AO facility.

TMT Metrology Equipment Arrives in California
June 1st, 2021 Engineering & Technology

The optical metrology and test set for TMT’s primary mirror segments has arrived at its warehouse in California. It was sent by Arizona Optical Systems (AOS) in Tucson, Arizona, on May 11 and arrived safely the day after at the TMT storage facility after a 500-mile journey. All fabrication and test tooling for the complete metrology system were also included in the freight.

TMT Mirror Segment Handling Equipment Passes Preliminary Design Review
May 27th, 2021 Engineering & Technology

The handling equipment for TMT primary mirror (M1) segment recently passed its Preliminary Design Review. The custom-designed equipment and tooling will be used to safely handle mirrors within the observatory during operational activities.

Displaying news articles 21 - 30 of 92 in total