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Testing of TMT’s Primary Mirror Segment in Progress
March 23rd, 2020 Engineering & Technology

The first of TMT’s Primary Mirror (M1) segment prototypes was recently tested and polished using the Ion Beam Figuring (IBF) process.

TMT Reaches Major Milestone with Completion of Fully Populated Mirror Segment Prototypes at the Multi-Segment Integration & Test Facility (MSIT)
March 6th, 2020 Engineering & Technology

The Multi-Segment Integration & Test (MSIT) facility at the TMT lab in Monrovia, California, is now fully populated with seven aluminum mirror segment prototypes.

Successful Receiving Inspection of 18 Mirror Blanks in India
February 6th, 2020 Engineering & Technology

One of TMT’s most important components – its huge primary mirror that spans over 30 meters – continues to be manufactured around the world.

TMT Tertiary Mirror Passes Preliminary Design Review
January 22nd, 2020 Engineering & Technology

Pasadena, CA, January 13, 2020 – The design of the Thirty Meter Telescope’s Tertiary Mirror (M3) recently passed the first part of its Preliminary Design Review, which took place over two days in November 2019.

Primary Mirror Segment Production has started at Coherent
January 21st, 2020 Engineering & Technology

Coherent Inc., one of the world’s leading providers of lasers and laser-based technology, is now ready to polish all of the TMT primary mirrors segments to be manufactured in the United States.

TMT Observatory Safety System Passes Preliminary Design Review
December 20th, 2019 Engineering & Technology

TMT recently achieved another significant milestone, with the successful preliminary design review of the Observatory Safety System (OSS). The review material was presented by TMT engineers Jimmy Johnson and Kayla Hardie from the project office.

First Two TMT Mirror Segment Demonstrators Installed at the Monrovia lab.
December 11th, 2019 Engineering & Technology

Two full-size TMT Primary Segment demonstration assemblies fitted with aluminum mirror segments have been successfully installed into the Multi-Segment Integration & Test (MSIT) facility at the TMT lab.

TMT Project Engineers at Vertical Laboratories in California test TMT Warping Harness Components
November 13th, 2019 Engineering & Technology

The leaf springs required for TMT warping harness mechanism, supporting each one of the 492 primary active segments, are being tested and validated in an Environmental Simulation Laboratory.

TMT Primary Mirror Segment Support Assembly Integration
November 1st, 2019 Engineering & Technology

Work is underway at TMT Project Lab. near Pasadena.

TMT Board of Governor Member Dr. Saku Tsuneta Visits TMT Technical Lab
October 28th, 2019 Engineering & Technology

Dr. Saku Tsuneta, Director General of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), recently met with TMT experts at the technical laboratory in Monrovia, California. Dr. Tsuneta also serves as a member of the TMT Board of Governors, which is accountable for both financial decision-making and strategic planning for the TMT International Observatory.

Displaying news articles 41 - 50 of 88 in total